Thirty Day Blogging Challenge: Day 8


Hey everyone, I hope y’all are having a good morning! Today is day-number-eight of the blogging challenge (Still going strong!) and the topic this morning is ‘Five current goals.’ I’ve been thinking about this one for a couple of days now, and I’ve finally managed to come up with some!

  1. Get back into the Word-Sadly, I’ve been horrible about reading my Bible this summer. Though I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with, I haven’t necessarily used it wisely. I’ve ended up spending my time scrolling through my Twitter feed and completely forgetting to read the Bible. I plan to get back to faithfully reading it today. Perhaps committing to this in writing will serve as a good reminder to myself.
  2. Continue to work towards my goal of making it as a writer-Aside from the writing that I do on this blog, I have a fiction series that I’ve been working on since Freshman year. Obviously my writing has evolved a good deal since I was fourteen, so there have been plenty of revisions over the years. Currently, I’m revising book #1 and I’m almost finished. My goal is to finish it before summer ends.
  3. Have a successful first semester of college-This is going to be my first year of college, which also means my first step into adulthood and my first time in a secular school. I don’t quite know what to expect, but I know that God has a plan for this chapter and I’m going to trust that He’ll lead and guide me through this step. I plan to stay on top of schoolwork and work hard towards my degree.
  4. Enjoy the last remnants of summer-Admittedly, I’ve kind of been facing summer boredom lately, but I want to enjoy this break before it ends. I’m not going to have this kind of free time much longer, and I need to use this break as a sabbatical and rest before the crazy kicks in (Yes, I got that line from Francesca Battistelli). Before I know it, it’s going to be term papers and tests, so I need to make the most of summer while I have it!
  5. Trust God with the future-I’m honestly not sure what the future holds, but I know that God does. As much as I tend to want to know what I’m doing and when, I kind of need to accept that I don’t know the future. Unfortunately, I can’t travel twenty years into the future like Michael J. Fox did in Back To The Future. But, I can trust the one who holds my future. He has all of it figured out, even when I don’t.

For all of you still following me on this challenge, here’s a slice of cake! 🍰

Thanks for sticking with me! You guys are awesome!


6 thoughts on “Thirty Day Blogging Challenge: Day 8

  1. Courtney those are awesome goals. You are truly wise beyond your years. At your age I was not as focused and did not have the wisdom you have – I know you keep your focus on Jesus and in and through Him and His strength you will accomplish amazing things and I believe when God sees your heart you make Him smile – as for a secular school environment – I know God has a plan for you to shine your light for Jesus – continue being bold for Jesus & I will be here always praying for you : )

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  2. I can relate to number 1, 2 and 5. Definitely need to get into reading the bible more and simply trusting God with my future. And my dream is to be a full-time writer and author, so definitely want to keep working at writing. Wishing you well in your goals!

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